Aunt Bee Trust Fund

Law Books

Many remember the fictional town of Mayberry, the setting for The Andy Griffith Show.  Less commonly known, however, is that Mayberry is modeled after Mt. Airy, a small North Carolina town near the Virginia boarder.  Frances Bavier, the actress who portrayed Aunt Bee Taylor in the hit television show, recently passed away, and spent the last years of her life in Siler City, another small North Carolina town.

Perhaps owing to a soft spot she felt for police officers due to her time on The Andy Griffith Show, Ms. Bavier established a trust with $100,000 in principal to ensure that every member of the Siler City police would enjoy a Christmas bonus each year.  According to reports, Ms. Bavier’s intention was to preserve the principal, using accrued interest to pay the annual bonuses to the police staff of approximately 20 individuals.  Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fife would surely be very touched by her gesture of kindness and generosity.

To speak with an experienced trust and estate attorney about executing a will or creating a trust, please give us a call at (704) 457-1010 to schedule a consultation.  For more information regarding our firm, attorneys, and practice areas, please visit



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